Submit the first 3 chapters or 50 pages of your manuscript—whichever is least— for a professional  and detailed evaluation. The cost is only $49 for evaluation. We respond in 30 days or less.


Based on your evaluation, You’ll receive either an offer to publish your work with our Joint Venture Plan. Or recommendations of publications to get your work ready for the real world. What have you got to lose?


If you agree to our Joint Venture contract, Your book will be published, available on Amazon, Barnes & and we’ll even provide the cover design.

Submission Checklist

[]  Your title page should include your real name, mailing address, cell phone number, email address, genre and working title.

[] Complete your Evaluation Questionnaire and include it in your submission.

[]  Write the first four letters of your manuscript title and the last four letters of your last name in the bottom right corner of your mailing envelope. For example Romeo & Juliette by Shakespere would appear as ROME-PERE or Pretty Girl's Dress by Lynn Frampton would be PRET-PTON. This will be known as your Author ID

[]  Type and double space the first fifty pages or first three chapters of your manuscript on white paper. Mail your submission to WTR Publishing 10242 Porto Moniz Way, Suite 1A, Elk Grove, CA 95757.

[]  Provide a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope with your mailing. Our Editor will use this to return your evaluation and your manuscript. Without it, your evaluation will not be mailed to you.

[]  Be patient. Your work is in good hands. We won't laugh at it, rip it to shreds or anything like that. We will give you an honest and professional evaluation of the marketability of your work. If it needs help, we'll be honest and provide you with suggested reading materials. If your manuscript is something we can throw our creative and professional muscle into, an offer to contract will accompany your return mailing.

[]   Purchase the 50-page Evaluation for $49 U.S. Dollars below.

WTR's 50-page Evaluation

$ 49.00 USD

Please provide your Author ID
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