Standard Fees

Book Evaluation $49   This fee is small but significant. Your book evaluation is not a re-write, bash-session or editting process.   It does, however, answer a question for both Author and Publisher; is your book marketable? No one's book is perfect. But many books are close enough to perfection to be published. The Evaluator's objective is to determine this.

The following fees are itemized for you information only.  Alternative or replacement services are not being considered at this time.

ISBN Designation $50  A unique and legitimate ISBN is vital in the publishing industry.

Cover Design $65  Cover designs must meet our high marketability standards. A contracted Author's design ideas are welcomed and encouraged. The final design will be determined by our marketing committee.

Print Run $100  Your first print run is based on a minimum of 5 softcover books  at 120 pages or less. The appropriate adjustment of price will be made once the actual page count is determined.

Emmericial $75 Using our partner OrigInnovation, a video of your book will be produced. This video can be emailed to friends, family and book stores and will be a stunning addition to your book's marketing package.

Only after an Author receives and accepts WTR Publishing's offer for publication will the Author be granted access to password protected pages to make payments.

Optional Fees

Complete Edit $250  WTR's comprehensive editting service.

Post Cards $45 Full color post cards make great marketing tools are available.

Business Cards $60 Full color business with your book cover are avaialble, too.


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